[Rd] Reset an embedded R.dll

Bernd Schoeller bernd.schoeller at comerge.net
Thu May 15 08:00:05 CEST 2008

On Thu, 15 May 2008 07:15:15 +0200, Prof Brian Ripley  
<ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>> What I would like to know, and I have not yet found an answer in the  
>> documentation: is there a way to 'reset' the interpreter to bring it to  
>> the state that it was directly after the call of the initialization  
>> routine?
> Call the exit and initialization routines.  That will not completely  
> reset things (it will not unload package DLLs for example), but it is  
> the nearest that is provided.

Thank you very much, I think that will be sufficient.

Last question: Will I need to UNPROTECT_PTR all references held, or will  
the call to Rf_endEmbeddedR also free protected references?


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