[Rd] Sweave.sty problems under WinXP (English locale) with default settings

Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel at web.de
Fri May 16 15:22:09 CEST 2008

Hi R-devels,

I encounter the following problem when I want to build a vignette
in the package building process under Windows

platform       i386-pc-mingw32            
arch           i386                       
os             mingw32                    
system         i386, mingw32              
major          2                          
minor          7.0                        
year           2008                       
month          04                         
day            22                         
svn rev        45424                      
language       R                          
version.string R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)

TeX-Distribution: MikTeX 2.7

My R home directory is the default one:

         C:\Program Files\R\R-2.7.0,

so R.home() from package tools makes out of it

which does not contain spaces, but instead the special
character   ~  .

So function texi2dvi() from package tools makes texi2dvi
include the directive


into the corresponding .tex file for the vignette, and, consequently,
MikTeX throws an error (due to the ~'s).

According to


this is due to a change on  Apr 15.

If I am right, the use of short filenames (without spaces)
as to be found in %R_HOME% for
MikTeX (and tetex) would no longer have been necessary:


So an easy way out would be to revert the changes made in
R-2.7.0 and instead use a quoted version of  the full path
constructed by normalizePath().

In the mean time, of course one might simply  alert  people
to have Sweave.sty on their tex filename database / search path
and to include \usepackage{Sweave} in their .Rnw files.


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