[Rd] Label justification (axis) (PR#13307)

martin.bader at unibas.ch martin.bader at unibas.ch
Thu Nov 20 14:45:11 CET 2008

Full_Name: Martin Karl-Friedrich Bader
Version: 2.8.0
OS: 10.5.3
Submission from: (NULL) (

Hi there,

when using las=1 on the y-axis the labels keep their centered justification,
e.g. if you plot a graph using the axis command: axis(side=2, at=c(0,50, 100,
125), lab=c("0","50","100", " "), las=1), then the 0 and the 50 are centered in
relation to the 100! One can work around that problem by inserting blank spaces
in front of the lower numbers (e.g.: "     0") but that's not an appropriate
solution! Is there a way that can be fixed? Thanks in advance!


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