[Rd] lower.tail option in pnorm

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Tue Dec 8 17:23:50 CET 2009

Ken Knoblauch <ken.knoblauch <at> inserm.fr> writes:

> Hi,
> I would have thought that these two constructions would
> produce the same result but they do not.
> Resp <- rbinom(10, 1, 0.5)
> Stim <- rep(0:1, 5)
> mm <- model.matrix(~ Stim)
> Xb <- mm %*% c(0, 1)
> ifelse(Resp, log(pnorm(Xb)), log(1 - pnorm(Xb)))
> pnorm(as.vector(Xb), lower.tail = Resp, log.p = TRUE)


> If I have missed something obvious, I would be grateful
> to have it pointed out.

 lower.tail is not vectorized.  All elements but the
first are ignored.  This seems fairly obvious to me
from reading ?pnorm (e.g. "mean" is described a
"vector of means", "sd" is described as "vector of
standard deviations", but lower.tail is described
as "logical", but 'obvious' is certainly in the eye
of the beholder.

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