[Rd] `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign (PR#14130)

cornell.p.gonschior at iem.fh-friedberg.de cornell.p.gonschior at iem.fh-friedberg.de
Fri Dec 11 16:45:08 CET 2009

Full_Name: Cornell Gonschior
Version: 2.10.0
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (


in the introduction to R, you can find the following sentence in the par()
"Use tck=0.01 and mgp=c(1,-1.5,0) for internal tick marks."
I thought that's nice, because I wanted to have tick marks and tick labels
inside and the axis title outside.

> plot(z, las=1, tck=0.01, mgp=c(1,-1.5,0))
1: In plot.window(...) : `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign
2: In plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign
3: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
  `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign
4: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
  `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign
5: In box(...) : `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign
6: In title(...) : `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign

> par(las=1, tck=0.01, mgp=c(1,-1,0))
In par(las = 1, tck = 0.01, mgp = c(1, -1, 0)) :
  `mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign

Was there a recent change, couldn't find anything useful searching the web.


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