[Rd] Multiple-Line Comment (PR#13503)

Udo.Junghans at nw-fva.de Udo.Junghans at nw-fva.de
Thu Feb 5 12:30:08 CET 2009


sorry for writing here because my problem is not a realt bug but may be 
a solution for many people working with R:

I miss the feature for commenting some lines of code at once without 
writing a bunch of "#" in front of each line.
This is interesting for trying out some code.
I found some workarounds like


`!`<- function(x)
    if (inherits(x, "character") == FALSE)
    .Primitive("!")(x) else invisible(x)

but IFELSE needs valid code and the '!' <- function breaks when a " ' " 
appears in the comment

so it would be fine to have something like /* ...  */ or so  for 
multiple lines

with regards

Udo Junghans


Udo Junghans
Abteilung Waldschutz, Käfer und Mittelprüfung
Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt
Grätzelstrasse 2
D-37079 Göttingen <mailto:udo.junghans at nw-fva.de>

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