[Rd] Putting demo shell scripts, text files, and RScript files with a package?

David Rosenberg drosen at stat.berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 17 18:25:46 CET 2009

I've written a package to assist with using R in Hadoop Streaming.

The main point of the package is to help make command-line runnable  
RScript files.  I'd like to provide a demo RScript file, a demo data  
file (e.g. a plaintext file, not something already processed by R) ,  
as well as demo bash shell scripts that demonstrate how to run the job  
from the command line and in a Hadoop cluster.

My best idea so far for distributing these files is to package the  
contents of these files as a list of strings in a data file in the  
data directory, and include a function in the package, say  
generateDemoFolder(targetDir), that writes the files to a user- 
specified directory, ready for use from the command line.

Any suggestions?



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