[Rd] RSiteSearch and my R site

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Sun Nov 8 13:49:27 CET 2009

On 08/11/2009 7:23 AM, Jonathan Baron wrote:
> Duncan,
> This is not a problem with anything you just did, but I'm writing you
> and ccing r-devel, in case I am allowed to post there (which I think
> I'm not).

R-devel is a public list, no problem posting here.

> The problem (in case this gets to r-devel) is that I need to have
> static html files for all packages, and static html ONLY for new
> packages.  You have fixed the latter problem in the latest version of
> R-devel (11/08/09), in "R CMD INSTALL".

Actually that fix broke some other things, so it's not in place at the 
moment.  We'll get something there, but it might be different from what 
I did yesterday.

 >   But when I install R-devel
> from source I cannot get all the html files.  The configure script has
> an option for --enable-prebuilt-html, and this does build the static
> html files for about half of the standard packages!  These include
> base, utils, tools, ..., but they do not include datasets, boot,
> cluster, ...

> I can of course work around this by using your new version of R CMD
> INSTALL after installing everything else.  It does not wipe out the
> executables that are already installed (I think).  But this might
> actually be a bug that was not intended.

Yes, it sounds like it.


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