[Rd] PROTECT and OCaml GC.

Guillaume Yziquel guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch
Mon Nov 30 22:07:13 CET 2009

Simon Urbanek a écrit :
>> And it goes then to my other question: How can you pass to eval a 
>> LANGSXP where the CAR is an *anonymous* function, no SYMSXP involved?
> You just pass it as value of the call. I suspect the reason it doesn't 
> work is in your code, not in the facility (note that the link above is 
> useless since the construction is mystery - if you were constructing it 
> right, it would work ;)).
> Small example:
> SEXP myEval(SEXP FN, SEXP first_arg) {
>   return eval(LCONS(FN, CONS(first_arg, R_NilValue)), R_GlobalEnv);
> }
>  > .Call("myEval",function(x) x + 1, 10)
> [1] 11

In the eval function in eval.c, you have:

>     case LANGSXP:
>         if (TYPEOF(CAR(e)) == SYMSXP)
>             /* This will throw an error if the function is not found */
>             PROTECT(op = findFun(CAR(e), rho));
>         else
>             PROTECT(op = eval(CAR(e), rho));

So imagine you have a LANGSXP whose CAR is a CLOSXP, the execution goes 
into the last line of the code snippet above. And re-entring eval with a 
CLOSXP, the code goes into

>     tmp = R_NilValue;           /* -Wall */
> #ifdef Win32
>     /* This is an inlined version of Rwin_fpreset (src/gnuwin/extra.c)
>        and resets the precision, rounding and exception modes of a ix86
>        fpu.
>      */
>     __asm__ ( "fninit" );
> #endif
>     R_Visible = TRUE;
>     switch (TYPEOF(e)) {
>     case NILSXP:
>     case LISTSXP:
>     case LGLSXP:
>     case INTSXP:
>     case REALSXP:
>     case STRSXP:
>     case CPLXSXP:
>     case RAWSXP:
>     case S4SXP:
>     case SPECIALSXP:
>     case BUILTINSXP:
>     case ENVSXP:
>     case CLOSXP:
>     case VECSXP:
>     case EXTPTRSXP:

so PROTECT(op = eval(CAR(e), rho)) evaluates to R_NilValue.

I figured out that's why evaluating a LANGSXP with CAR a CLOSXP simply 

I'll have a look at the code snippet you gave, since I do not understand 
why it doesn't fail the same way mine does.

Thanks a lot.

      Guillaume Yziquel

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