[Rd] Strange behaviour with global variable in C

pleydell at supagro.inra.fr pleydell at supagro.inra.fr
Wed Sep 23 13:44:05 CEST 2009

I understand global variables can be a bad idea, but even so I would like to
understand what is going on here...


...I have a strange bug on a global variable in some C code which I am compiling


the global variable in question is the log likelihood. In an old version of the
program I initialized this as

double loglik = -999999999999999

and in current versions I initialize this as

double loglik = 0.0

and long sequences of 9s do not appear anywhere in the program now (I confirmed
this using the grep command in bash)

A function called update_loglik() exists in the file loglik.c and so myProgram.c
includes the line

#include "loglik.c"

prior to the main() function.

The first line in the function update_loglik() is

loglik = 0.0;

and then later in the function there is a loop containing the line

loglik += some_value_corresponding_to_one_observation


If I add printf("%f",loglik) at the second line of update_loglik() it prints
"0.0", BUT if I set a breakpoint here and execute

(gdb) p loglik

in gdb it prints


worse, the value being added to in the loop of update_loglik() is neither that
being printed by printf nor that being printed by gdb. Moreover, if I put
update_loglik() into a loop and printf the values I get

itter 0  loglik -1242105.108051
itter 1  loglik -602880.293985
itter 2  loglik -590470.733006
itter 3  loglik -578061.172026
itter 4  loglik -565651.611046
itter 5  loglik -553242.050066
itter 6  loglik -540832.489086
itter 7  loglik -528422.928106

### A CLUE ###

This is clearly a pointer problem, in fact I believe gdb gives us a good clue

(gdb) b loglik.c:100
Breakpoint 3 at 0xb7a2eba4: file loglik.c, line 100. (2 locations)
(gdb) i b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address    What
3       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE> 0xb7a2eba4
3.1                         y     0xb7a2eba4 in update_loglik at loglik.c:100
3.2                         y     0xb7a2895a in update_loglik at loglik.c:100

for some reason gdb associates this breakpoint with two addresses (line 100 by
the way is where I try to set loglik to 0.0, described above)

I should perhaps also add that my project is subject to bzr (bazaar) version
control, so I wonder if this almost ghost-like resurrection of the
-999999999999 is due to either gcc or gdb confusing information from current
bzr versions with previous bzr versions. This resurrection occurs even after
turning off the computer and rebooting so it shouldn't be to do with memory

So why is gdb giving multiple addresses for a single line breakpoint and why
gdb's ghostly resurrection of a long line of 9s even after a reboot?


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