[Rd] Error description not prompted but R crashes instead (PR#14181)

pdemoulin at gmail.com pdemoulin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 17:05:08 CET 2010

Full_Name: Philippe Demoulin
Version: R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)
OS: OSX 10.4.11 on PPC
Submission from: (NULL) (

At the prompt, just type (without quotes) "> x=1:3". Please note the redundant
">" explictly keyed in for simulating the error

On my daughter MacMini G4 PPC 10.4.11 JSE 1.5, an normal error "Unexpected
character >" is issued.

But on my iMac 10.4.11 PPC JSE 1.5 (so, same environment), R crashes:
Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000020

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib          	0x90a410f8 objc_msgSend + 24
1   org.R-project.R          	0x0000dae4 Re_RBusy + 60 (Rcallbacks.m:178)
2   libR.dylib               	0x003cdcf0 R_ReplDLLdo1 + 64
3   org.R-project.R          	0x00018358 run_REngineRmainloop + 368
4   org.R-project.R          	0x00010a0c -[REngine runREPL] + 484
5   org.R-project.R          	0x00002a38 main + 1040 (main.m:140)
6   org.R-project.R          	0x000025ac _start + 760
7   org.R-project.R          	0x000022b0 start + 48

Philippe Demoulin, Tilff, Belgium

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