[Rd] Problem with R math library.

Guillaume Yziquel guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch
Thu Jan 28 18:49:25 CET 2010

Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :
> | Concerning dependencies: compile against only libRmath.so. Not against 
> | libR.so. (I wonder why this is so crucial, though...)
> By design as libRmath is meanth to __standalone__ hence indepdent of R. This
> is a a feature.  
> This is probably not what _you_ want as you are embedding R, so you need libR.

Well, yes and no.

I've been rewriting an OCaml-R binding from Maxence Guesdon, which was 
only scratching the surface of the API. (Not meaning to depreciate his 
work: it indeed had the merit of existing and being approximately 

And he had a binding to embed R, and simultaneously a binding of the 
standalone mathematical library.

I'm trying to make a significant upgrade of his binding, and to avoid 
regressions, I'm wrapping the standalone R mathlib. That's why...

Nevertheless, I'll have to think at one point in time of bringing the 
libRmath.so functionality to the part of my library that embeds R, as 
you pointed out.

      Guillaume Yziquel

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