[Rd] Creating package Vignette

Nipesh Bajaj bajaj141003 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 17:56:55 CEST 2011

Hi all, I was trying to create some vignette files for my newly
developed package, however wondering whether there could be any
simpler way to do so. In writing R extension it is advised to go
through Sweave route, however I have already got a big pdf file and
want to use this as package vignette.

So far I have manually created the inst/doc folder in the main package
skeleton, and put that file into this, which is not working by calling
"vignette(file_name)" after I build  and load the package. I am
getting following error without opening that pdf file: "vignette
'file_name' *not* found"

So I like to know, is there any way to use any arbitrary pdf file as vignette?

Any suggestion is highly appreciated.


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