[Rd] Command completion of the R binary / Ubuntu: result

Claudia Beleites claudia.beleites at ipht-jena.de
Wed Jan 11 16:02:20 CET 2012

Dear list,

for the benefit of people searching for this in the future (and as
r-devel archives are searched by RSiteSearch, but r-sig-debian isn't):

- command line completion of the R command doesn't have anything to do
with R
- Deepayan told me that as far as he knows, only Debian (and Ubuntu)
have it, so


is the appropriate mailing list. Deepayan moved the discussion there.

Have a nice day,


Claudia Beleites
Institute of Photonic Technology
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9
07745 Jena

email: claudia.beleites at ipht-jena.de
phone: +49 3641 206-133
fax:   +49 2641 206-399

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