[Rd] Building source package in Windows, error in .doLoadActions()

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Thu Jun 5 23:09:30 CEST 2014

On 05.06.2014 19:57, Luis de la Torre wrote:
> I'm trying to build the source package KNITRO in Windows and getting an
> error when the package is loaded. Maybe there is something I'm missing in
> order to build a package in Windows? Note that I have successfully built
> the package in Linux.
> I'm using R 3.1.0; Rcpp 0.11.1 installed from CRAN; Cygwin with g++ 4.8.3.

cygwin is an unsuported platform, please use the Rtools collection that 
includes a version of gcc that works out of the box.

Uwe Ligges

> Details about the problem are below. I can provide more details to
> reproduce the error, but it would require a license of KNITRO.
> This package is on Github at https://github.com/romainfrancois/KNITRO.
> In the package, I modified Makevars, linking to library libomp5md instead
> of libomp5, and built the package with R CMD build KNITRO.
> When I install with:
>      R CMD INSTALL --build --no-multiarch
> it to "testing if installed package can be loaded" and gives the following
> error:
> Error in .doLoadActions(where, attach) :
>    error in load action .__A__.1 for package KNITRO: loadModule(module =
> "knitro", what = TRUE, env = ns, loadNow = TRUE): Unable to load module
> "knitro": Failed to initialize module pointer: Error in
> FUN("_rcpp_module_boot_knitro"[[1L]], ...): no such symbol
> _rcpp_module_boot_knitro in package KNITRO
> Thank you,
> Luis de la Torre
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