[Rd] How do I reliably and efficiently hash a function?

Charles C. Berry ccberry at ucsd.edu
Fri Dec 11 03:24:52 CET 2015

On Thu, 10 Dec 2015, Konrad Rudolph wrote:

> I’ve got the following scenario: I need to store information about an
> R function, and retrieve it at a later point. In other programming
> languages I’d implement this using a dictionary with the functions as
> keys. In R, I’d usually use `attr(f, 'some-name')`. However, for my
> purposes I do not want to use `attr` because the information that I
> want to store is an implementation detail that should be hidden from
> the user of the function (and, just as importantly, it shouldn’t
> clutter the display when the function is printed on the console).
> `comment` would be almost perfect since it’s hidden from the output
> when printing a function — unfortunately, the information I’m storing
> is not a character string (it’s in fact an environment), so I cannot
> use `comment`.
> How can this be achieved?



For example, these commands:

foo <- function() {info <- "abc";function(x) x+1}
func <- foo()

Yield these printed results:

: [1] ".GlobalEnv"
: [1] 2
: [1] "info"
: [1] "abc"
: function (x)
: x + 1
: <environment: 0x7fbd5c86bc60>

The environment of the function gets printed, but 'info' and other
objects that might exist in that environment do not get printed unless
you explicitly call for them.



p.s. 'environment(func)$info' also works.

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