[Rd] Programming Tools CTV

Achim Zeileis Achim.Zeileis at uibk.ac.at
Fri Jan 23 15:37:08 CET 2015


thanks for volunteering!

> Sorry if this doesn't end up in the thread. Tobias Verbeke forwarded 
> that e-mail to me, because he thought I would be interested in 
> maintaining the Programming Tools CTV. I wasn't subscribed to R-devel 
> yet, but I would indeed like to volunteer to maintain the Programming 
> Tools CTV.

As discussed in the other thread: A programming tools task view would be 
too broad and Max suggested splitting it up into sharper and more 
manageable portions. Maybe you want to pick up one of these sub-topics?

> It will be my first time creating a CTV, so some guidance on getting it 
> setup will be appreciated. I myself am very interested in better/easier 
> ways to develop faster and nicer code.

The process is usually the following:

- Someone proposes to set up a certain task view - often here in the list 
or in a direct e-mail to me.

- If the topic is deemed feasible for a task view, then the 
maintainer-to-be compiles a .ctv file following the advice in 
vignette("ctv", package = "ctv") and first sends it to me.

- If the maintainer-to-be and myself are satisfied with the result so far, 
we typically try to get some more feedback from the mailing list and then 
release it to CRAN.

As for version control:

The "ctv" package and all task view reside on R-Forge. All maintainers are 
invited to join the R-Forge project and thus get access to the SVN 
repository so that they can change their .ctv file directly. Most 
maintainers do so but a few maintainers have chose to either use no 
version control themselves or use some separate system (e.g., Github). In 
the latter cases, updates are sent by e-mail to me.


> Kind regards,
> Willem
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