[Rd] List S3 methods and defining packages

Renaud Gaujoux renaud at mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
Tue Jul 7 11:05:02 CEST 2015


from the man page ?methods, I expected to be able to build pairs
(class,package) for a given S3 method, e.g., print, using

attr(methods(print), 'info').

However all the methods, except the ones defined in base or S4
methods, get the 'from' value "registered S3method for print", instead
of the actual package name (see below for the first rows).

Is this normal behaviour? If so, is there a way to get what I want: a
character vector mapping class to package (ideally in loading order,
but this I can re-order from search()).
Thank you.


       from generic  isS4
print.abbrev                                   FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.acf                                      FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.AES                                      FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.agnes                                    FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.anova                                    FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.Anova                                    FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.anova.loglm                              FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print,ANY-method                                TRUE
       base   print  TRUE
print.aov                                      FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE

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