[Rd] NEWS.md support on CRAN

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed May 27 14:26:14 CEST 2015

On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.

In answer to your original question:  plans are now being formed.  It
seems as though full support should be feasible, but someone needs to
volunteer to do it and maintain it.

By full support, I mean support that's equal to the support for NEWS.Rd
on CRAN and in R.

It's possible we'll get weaker support sooner, e.g. display of the
Markdown source in R and pandoc output on CRAN; that remains to be

No predicted time line for any of this.

Duncan Murdoch

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