[Rd] R CMD check --as-cran without qpdf

Kirill Müller kirill.mueller at ivt.baug.ethz.ch
Sat Oct 10 12:30:32 CEST 2015

Today, a package that has an HTML vignette (but no PDF vignette) failed 
R CMD check --as-cran on a system without qpdf. I think the warning 
originates here [1], due to a premature check for the existence of qpdf 
[2]. Setting R_QPDF=true (as in /bin/true) helped, but perhaps it's 
possible to check qpdf existence only when it matters.

I have attached a patch (untested) that could serve as a starting point. 
The code links correspond to SVN revision 69500. Thanks.

Best regards



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