[Rd] Running package tests and not stop on first fail

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Thu Nov 3 11:45:15 CET 2016

>>>>> Jan Gorecki <J.Gorecki at wit.edu.pl>
>>>>>     on Tue, 1 Nov 2016 22:51:28 +0000 writes:

    > Hello community/devs, Is there an option to run package
    > tests during R CMD check and not stop on first error? I
    > know that testing frameworks (testhat and others) can do
    > that but asking about just R and base packages. Currently
    > when package check runs test scripts in ./tests directory
    > it will stop after first fail.  Do you think it could be
    > optionally available to continue to run tests after
    > failures?  Regards, Jan Gorecki

I agree that this would be a useful option sometimes.

So I would be supportive to get such an option, say,

   R CMD check --no-stop-on-error  <pkg>

into R if someone provided (relatively small) patches to the R
sources (i.e. subversion repos at https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/ ).
The relevant source code should basically all be in

Note that this may be complicated, also because "parallel"
checking is available in parts, via the TEST_MC_CORES
environment variable ((which is currently only quickly
documented in the 'R Administration ..' manual))

Martin Maechler
ETH Zurich

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