[Rd] [PATCH] Fix fscanf specifier in InIntegerAscii

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Thu Jul 20 23:28:53 CEST 2017


The SMBUF_SIZED_STRING allows fscanf to read upto 511 bytes. The buffer
at line 1382 is only 128 bytes. The fscanf format specifier ought to be
resized to prevent a stack overrun.

Signed-of-by: Steve Grubb <sgrubb at redhat.com>

Index: saveload.c
--- src/main/saveload.c	(revision 72935)
+++ src/main/saveload.c	(working copy)
@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@
     char buf[128];
     int x, res;
-    res = fscanf(fp, SMBUF_SIZED_STRING, buf);
+    res = fscanf(fp, "%127s", buf);
     if(res != 1) error(_("read error"));
     if (strcmp(buf, "NA") == 0)
 	return NA_INTEGER;

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