[Rd] bug report: nlme model-fitting crashes with R 3.4.0

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Thu May 11 13:37:46 CEST 2017

On 11 May 2017 at 10:17, Erwan Le Pennec wrote:
|      Dear all,
|      I've stumbled a similar issue with the package cluster when 
| compiling the 3.4.0 version with the settings of Fedora RPM specs. 
| Compiling R with the default setting of configure yields a version that 
| works for cluster... and nlme.
|      I did not find the exact option that was the cause of this issue 
| but I'm willing to help.
|      Erwan
| PS: This is the reason why R is still at version 3.3.3 on the Fedora 
| distribution.
| On 10/05/17 22:59, Langbehn, Douglas wrote:
| > lme() and gls() models from the nlme package are all crashing with R.3.4.0. Identical code ran correctly, without error in R 3.3.3 and earlier versions.  The behavior is easily demonstrated using one of the examples form the lme() help file, along with two simple variants. I have commented the errors generated by these calls, as well as the lines of code generating them, in the code example below.
| >
| > As of today, this bug had not been reported on the R Bugzilla page. I could not submit this report directly to the page because I am not a member, and , as explained in the "Reporting Bugs" link from the  R home page, membership has now been closed due to spamming problems..
| >
| > ############################################################################
| > library(nlme)
| > #Using version 3.1-131
| > #Windows 7 64-bit operating system
| >
| > fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)
| >
| > # Error in array(c(rep(1, p), .C(inner_perc_table, as.double(X), as.integer(unlist(grps)),  :
| > # object 'inner_perc_table' not found

That is a known issue with R 3.4.0 -- see NEWS.

Packages using .C and .Fortran _must_ be recompiled for R 3.4.0. If and when
you do, the example will work again.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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