[Rd] Date method of as.POSIXct does not respect tz

Roland Fuß rol@nd@fu@@ @ending from thuenen@de
Wed May 16 17:21:07 CEST 2018

R 3.5.0

Is it intended that the Date method of as.POSIXct does not respect the 
tz parameter? I suggest changing as.POSIXct.Date to this:

function (x, tz = "", ...)
   .POSIXct(unclass(x) * 86400, tz = tz)

Currently, the best workaround seems to be using the character method if 
one doesn't want the default timezone (which is often an annoying DST 

This came up on Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/q/50373340/1412059


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