[Rd] Improved Data Aggregation and Summary Statistics in R

Iñaki Ucar |uc@r @end|ng |rom |edor@project@org
Wed Feb 27 10:23:54 CET 2019

On Wed, 27 Feb 2019 at 09:02, Sebastian Martin Krantz
<sebastian.krantz using graduateinstitute.ch> wrote:
> Dear Developers,
> Having spent time developing and thinking about how data aggregation and
> summary statistics can be enhanced in R, I would like to present my
> ideas/efforts in the form of two commands:
> The first, which for now I called 'collap', is an upgrade of aggregate that
> accommodates and extends the functionality of aggregate in various
> respects, most importantly to work with multilevel and multi-type data,
> multiple function calls, highly customized aggregation tasks, a much
> greater flexibility in the passing of inputs and tidy output.
> The second function, 'qsu', is an advanced and flexible summary command for
> cross-sectional and multilevel (panel) data (i.e. it can provide overall,
> between and within entities statistics, and allows for grouping, custom
> functions and transformations). It also provides a quick method to compute
> and output within-transformed data.
> Both commands are efficiently built from core R, but provide for optional
> integration with data.table, which renders them extremely fast on large
> datasets. An explanation of the syntax, a demonstration and benchmark
> results are provided in the attached vignette.

Looks interesting. Sorry if it's there and I didn't find it: is there
any package implementing these functions so that we can try them?


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