[Rd] as-cran issue ==> set _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_* settings!

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @end|ng |rom deb|@n@org
Tue Jan 14 22:00:04 CET 2020

On 15 January 2020 at 09:29, Abby Spurdle wrote:
| Recently, I tried to install R on Fedora.
| However, it only gave me the option of downloading and installing R
| 3.6.1, when the current release is/was R 3.6.2.
| I decided to wait, and may try again later, over the next week.
| Is it possible for things to be free *and* simple?


Look at the Dockerfile (== "recipe", like shell) for the r-base container.


Starts from vanilla Debian testing, and installs R. Takes no time, is fully
automated and has been running that way for years.  You can build up from
there, my blog has examples, as have many many other sites by other people.

One other recent-ish example is the r-apt Rocker image. Sets the repo for
current R (based on builds that Michael Rutter looks after based on my
official Debian package), then adds info for the PPAs Michael looks after and
you got over 4,000 CRAN packages ready to install as binaries -- just like
that.  The link is for 'disco' aka 19.04, we have the others too (but I need
to add 19.10 now).


Both meet free *and* simple. And you don't have to build either. Just 'docker
pull'. There is more at the Rocker Project for you.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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