[Rd] How to get an object name from C?

Daniel Cegiełka d@n|e|@ceg|e|k@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Jan 18 10:36:47 CET 2020

(earlier I sent it as html by mistake).


How can I get from C an object name used as a function argument? I
have sample code in C that gives me access to the name of the function
being called:

SEXP xname(SEXP x)
        const char *fun_name = CHAR(PRINTNAME(CAR(x)));
        x =  CDR(x);
        const char *arg_name = isNull(TAG(x)) ? "" : CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(x)));

        Rprintf("fn_name: %s, arg_name: %s\n", fun_name, arg_name);
        return R_NilValue;

> xname <- function(...) invisible(.External("xname", ...))
> x1 = 123
> xname(x1)
fn_name: xname, var_name:

However, I am trying to find a way to access the object name. In the
documentation I found a solution for named args:

> xname(arg = x1)
fn_name: xname, var_name: arg

And I'd like to find the equivalent in C for substitute():

> substitute(x1)

Best regards,

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