[Rd] quantile() type 1 for some ordered factors in R-devel

Kurt Hornik Kurt@Horn|k @end|ng |rom wu@@c@@t
Wed May 20 13:17:06 CEST 2020

>>>>> Trang Le writes:

> Hi Kurt,
> Thank you for fixing quantile(). However, do you think c.factor() can
> potentially break more functions? For example, with this new change,
> classification from the partykit package using predict() comes back NA because
> of this:

> https://github.com/cran/partykit/blob/597245ef3dfc98411ce919b74c68ba565f077c47/R/party.R#L500

All issues in the CRAN checks were identified and reported, and should
be fixed shortly.


> I understand that most of the fixes will probably be simple with as.numeric()
> or as.integer(), but tracing down these breaks can be time-consuming. What
> about a warning whenever code that would trigger c.factor() is called? This
> way users are given a chance to update packages and code.

> Thanks,
> Trang

> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 1:53 AM Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik using wu.ac.at> wrote:

>>>>>> Tobias Rockel writes:
>     Thanks for spotting this, and also to Hadley for reporting to me
>     directly.
>     Fixed now with c78501.
>     Best
>     -k
>> Hi,
>> In R-devel (2020-05-17 r78478) quantile() type 1 seems to behave a
>     little
>> bit strange for some ordered factors:
>> quantile(factor(1:3, ordered = TRUE), 0.5, type = 1)
>> returns “2” as expected. But
>> quantile(factor(2:4, ordered = TRUE), 0.5, type = 1)
>> returns “4” and
>> quantile(factor(3:5, ordered = TRUE), 0.5, type = 1)
>> returns “NA”. Furthermore, the function returns “NA” for calls like
>> quantile(factor(c("a", "b", "c"), ordered = TRUE), 0.5, type = 1)
>> In R 4.0.0 everything seems fine (return values “2”, “3”, “4”, “b”). If
>     the
>> vectors are treated as numeric, everything seems to work fine in
>     R-devel,
>> too. For example
>> quantile(3:5, 0.5, type = 1)
>> returns “4” in R-devel and R 4.0.0.
>> Best regards,
>> Tobias Rockel
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