[Rd] tools::package_dependencies problems

Spencer Graves @pencer@gr@ve@ @end|ng |rom prod@y@e@com
Sat Oct 17 00:28:25 CEST 2020

Hello, All:

	  tools::package_dependencies('Ecfun') failed to find how my 
development version of Ecfun was using rJava, which generated errors in 
"R CMD build Ecfun".  This is because package_dependencies by default 
uses CRAN and ignores locally installed packages.

	  What do you think about having this function check both locally 
installed and CRAN versions?

	  It can probably be done, but I don't see how at the moment.

	  Also, the traditional interpretation of a help file with Usage 
including an argument 'which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")' is 
that specifying nothing defaults to "Depends".  In this case, it 
defaults to "Imports".  Moreover, I don't see a way to trace "Suggests".

	  Spencer Graves

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