[Rd] How to get utf8 string using R externals

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jun 2 23:36:20 CEST 2021

On 6/2/21 5:31 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 02/06/2021 4:33 p.m., xiaoyan yu wrote:
>> I have a R Script Predict.R:
>>      set.seed(42)
>>      C <- seq(1:1000)
>>      A <- rep(seq(1:200),5)
>>      E <- (seq(1:1000) * (0.8 + (0.4*runif(50, 0, 1))))
>>      L <- ifelse(runif(1000)>.5,1,0)
>>      df <- data.frame(cbind(C, A, E, L))
>> load("C:/Temp/tree.RData")                #  load the model for scoring
>>    P <- as.character(predict(tree_model_1,df,type='class'))
>> Then in a C++ program
>> I call eval to evaluate the script and then findVar the P variable.
>> After get each class label from P using string_elt and then
>> Rf_translateChar, the characters are unicodes (<U+BD80><U+C2E4>) 
>> instead of
>> utf8 encoding of the korean characters 부실.
>> Can I know how to get UTF8 by using R externals?
>> I also found the same script giving utf8 characters in RGui but 
>> unicode in
>> Rterm.
>> I tried to attach a screenshot but got message "The message's content 
>> type
>> was not explicitly allowed"
>> In RGui, I saw the output 부실, while in Rterm, <U+BD80><U+C2E4>.
> Sounds like you're using Windows.  Stop doing that.
> Duncan Murdoch

   Shouldn't there be a smiley there somewhere?

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