[Rd] Faster sorting algorithm...

Radford Neal r@d|ord @end|ng |rom c@@toronto@edu
Wed Mar 17 01:36:37 CET 2021

Those interested in faster sorting may want to look at the merge sort
implemented in pqR (see pqR-project.org).  It's often used as the
default, because it is stable, and does different collations, while
being faster than shell sort (except for small vectors).

Here are examples, with timings, for pqR-2020-07-23 and R-4.0.2, 
compiled identically:

pqR-2020-07-23 in C locale:

> set.seed(1)
> N <- 1000000
> x <- as.character (sample(N,N,replace=TRUE))
> print(system.time (os <- order(x,method="shell")))
   user  system elapsed 
  1.332   0.000   1.334 
> print(system.time (or <- order(x,method="radix")))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.092   0.004   0.096 
> print(system.time (om <- order(x,method="merge")))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.363   0.000   0.363 
> print(identical(os,or))
[1] TRUE
> print(identical(os,om))
[1] TRUE
> x <- c("a","~")
> print(order(x,method="shell"))
[1] 1 2
> print(order(x,method="radix"))
[1] 1 2
> print(order(x,method="merge"))
[1] 1 2

R-4.0.2 in C locale:

> set.seed(1)
> N <- 1000000
> x <- as.character (sample(N,N,replace=TRUE))
> print(system.time (os <- order(x,method="shell")))
   user  system elapsed 
  2.381   0.004   2.387 
> print(system.time (or <- order(x,method="radix")))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.138   0.000   0.137 
> #print(system.time (om <- order(x,method="merge")))
> print(identical(os,or))
[1] TRUE
> #print(identical(os,om))
> x <- c("a","~")
> print(order(x,method="shell"))
[1] 1 2
> print(order(x,method="radix"))
[1] 1 2
> #print(order(x,method="merge"))

pqR-2020-07-23 in fr_CA.utf8 locale:

> set.seed(1)
> N <- 1000000
> x <- as.character (sample(N,N,replace=TRUE))
> print(system.time (os <- order(x,method="shell")))
utilisateur     système      écoulé 
      2.960       0.000       2.962 
> print(system.time (or <- order(x,method="radix")))
utilisateur     système      écoulé 
      0.083       0.008       0.092 
> print(system.time (om <- order(x,method="merge")))
utilisateur     système      écoulé 
      1.143       0.000       1.142 
> print(identical(os,or))
[1] TRUE
> print(identical(os,om))
[1] TRUE
> x <- c("a","~")
> print(order(x,method="shell"))
[1] 2 1
> print(order(x,method="radix"))
[1] 1 2
> print(order(x,method="merge"))
[1] 2 1

R-4.0.2 in fr_CA.utf8 locale:

> set.seed(1)
> N <- 1000000
> x <- as.character (sample(N,N,replace=TRUE))
> print(system.time (os <- order(x,method="shell")))
utilisateur     système      écoulé 
      4.222       0.016       4.239 
> print(system.time (or <- order(x,method="radix")))
utilisateur     système      écoulé 
      0.136       0.000       0.137 
> #print(system.time (om <- order(x,method="merge")))
> print(identical(os,or))
[1] TRUE
> #print(identical(os,om))
> x <- c("a","~")
> print(order(x,method="shell"))
[1] 2 1
> print(order(x,method="radix"))
[1] 1 2
> #print(order(x,method="merge"))

pqR is faster in all the tests, but more relevant to this discussion
is that the "merge" method is substantially faster than "shell" for
these character vectors with a million elements, while retaining the
stability and collation properties of "shell" (whereas "radix" only
does C collation).

It would probably not be too hard to take the merge sort code from pqR
and use it in R core's implementation.

The merge sort in pqR doesn't exploit parallelism at the moment, but
merge sort is potentially quite parallelizable (though I think the
storage allocation strategy I use would have to be modified).


   Radford Neal

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