[Rd] stats::fft produces inconsistent results

Dipterix Wang d|pter|x@w@ng @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Oct 20 22:00:49 CEST 2021

Wow, you guys are amazing!

>>> as part of its pipeline, ravetools::mvfftw computes the mean of the
>>> input vector **and then centers it to a mean of zero** (intentionally or
>>> accidentally?)
>>> because variables are passed to compiled code by reference (someone
>>> can feel free to correct my terminology), this means that the original
>>> vector in R now has a mean of zero

I didn’t center the input vector in my code. The data was fed “as-is” into FFTW3. My guess is FFTW3 internally center the data. It could be that FFTW3 library behave differently on different platforms, which could explain the reproducibility issue. 

>>> "Indeed, R vectors are passed "by reference" to C code, but the semantic must be "by value", i.e. the C function must NOT change the contents of the vector, except in very specific cases.”

CRAN has already had fftw and fftwtools, the issue is the data I’m targeting at are at GB-level, copying the vectors can be memory inefficient or even use up memories. The strategy of ravetools is to import signals from local files, fft, then directly write to disk. So only one reference will be used and modifying in-place is on purpose. In fact, and the fft functions I created are not intended to be used directly by users.

However, I should've been very cautious when using these functions. This is my fault. I’ll check the whole package to make sure only one reference is used or otherwise the vectors will be copied.

>>> This can be tested by the MAYBE_REFERENCED() macro in Rinternals.h.

Nice to learn! I’ll add it to my code.

>>> Properly using R vectors in C code is tricky. You have to understand.
>>> 1) When you are allowed or not to modify vectors
>>> 2) When to PROTECT()vectors
>>> 3) How the garbage collector works and when it can trigger (answer : basically, when you call any internal R function)
>>> Chapter 5 of "Writing R Extensions" documentation is quite extensive:
>>>  https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Handling-R-objects-in-C <https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Handling-R-objects-in-C>

Indeed, I found myself often confused about when to PROTECT and when not. 

>>>> ... but then ravetools  is not even a CRAN package, so why should you dare to use it for anything serious ?

Haha, thanks : ) I guess I will probably be grouchy too if seeing so many people making the same mistakes again and again. It just happened to be me.
But it’s good to be rigorous. Sooner or later I'll have to face these problems. It’s better to make mistakes before having made many.

Thanks y’all!

- Dipterix Wang

> On Oct 20, 2021, at 5:32 AM, Martin Maechler <maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>>>> Martin Maechler 
>>>>>>    on Wed, 20 Oct 2021 11:26:21 +0200 writes:
> [............]
>> Thank you, André , that's very good.
>> Just to state the obvious conclusion:
>> If Ben's suggestion is correct (and André has explained *how*
>> that could happen) this would mean  a
>> SEVERE BUG in package ravetools's  mvfftw() function.
>> and it would have been (yet another) case of gaining speed by
>> killing correctness...
>> ... but then ravetools  is not even a CRAN package, so why
>> should you dare to use it for anything serious ?
>> ... yes, being grouchy ..
> which I should rather not be.
> Dipterix Wang *did* say initially that he is currently
> developing ravetools so it's very reasonabl this is not yet a
> CRAN package..
> Best,
> Martin

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