[Rd] Respecting custom repositories files in interactive/batch R sessions

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @end|ng |rom deb|@n@org
Thu Sep 15 20:31:47 CEST 2022

I may be missing something here but aren't you overcomplicating things?  One
can avoid the repetitive dialog by setting   options(repos)   accordingly,
and I have long done so.  The Debian (and hence Ubuntu and other derivatives)
package does so via the Rprofile.site I ship.  See e.g. here


I have used the same mechanism to point to intra-company repositories, easily
a decade or so ago. I had no problems with R CMD check of in-house packages
using this.


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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