R-beta: loading C binaries

Alexander Volovics awol at STAT.UNIMAAS.NL
Sun Apr 5 21:06:35 CEST 1998

This morning I posted mail to this list  with the following problem:

> At home "survival4" is (still) working OK. 
> At the office all the components ('survfit', 'survdiff', 'coxph, etc..) stop
> with an error message that they can't 'find' or 'load' the C binaries:
> i.e. '.C("survfit2",....)'.

Well it has gone wrong at home too. Here is an example:

> library(splines)
> library(survival4)
> objects()
[1] "cens"    "duur"    "duur2"   "groep"   "kmduur"  "kmduur2" "tel"
> survfit(Surv(duur, cens)~groep)
Error in .C("survfit2", as.integer(n), y = y, as.integer(ny), as.double(casewt[sorted]),  
: C/Fortran function not in load table
kmduur and kmduur2 are survfit objects from a test session this morning. 
For example:

> kmduur
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(duur, cens) ~ groep)

         n events  mean se(mean) median 0.95CI 0.95CI
groep=0 50     40  1.83    0.413  0.817  0.470   1.83
groep=1 50     31 14.73    8.707  1.265  0.129   1.93  


 > names(kmduur)
 [1] "time"      "n.risk"    "n.event"   "surv"      "strata"    "std.err"
 [7] "upper"     "lower"     "conf.type" "conf.int"  "call"      

Etc., etc.  I don't understand what is going on?
I hope somebody can explain.

Alexander Volovics
Dept of Methodology & Statistics
Maastricht University, Maastricht, NL
email: Alexander Volovics <awol at stat.unimaas.nl>
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