R-beta: repeated measures GLM binomial data?

Bill Simpson wsimpson at uwinnipeg.ca
Fri Aug 28 16:49:33 CEST 1998

I don't know much about GLM in general or glm in R. Can anyone tell  me
how to do the following (in R or some other stat system) or refer me to a
textbook discussion?

Two factor ANOVA repeated measures design.
Each subject gives a percent correct.

I am assuming the correct way to proceed is to fit a generalized linear
model with binomial responses and logistic link. But I have not found a
detailed discussion of this in either McCullagh & Nelder or Dobson.

Here is a toy example. Each datum is proportion correct out of 100
trials for one subject:
        b1      b2
a1      .5,.6   .1,.2
a2      .7,.8   .2,.3
a3      .8,.9   .3,.4
(2 subjects)

How does the analysis proceed?  Thanks very much for any help.

Bill Simpson

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