Funding freeeware (was: R-beta: help in sept)

John vanVlaanderen johnvv at
Fri Jan 30 17:25:06 CET 1998

Hi All,

I have a personal interest in these matters because I am a Linux VAR
and I am about to add-value-to an accouting package, hopefully 
bringing LX into the enterprise areana.

The fun part of computing is developing and integrating.  At the moment, 
for instance, I am trying to compile multi threading perl but 
I am flying blind making changes where I think they will help.
Experience tells me that posting to the inet is as likely to attract 
flames as any useful information, if I get any response at all.

I believe the freeware needs help in the organization and documentation 
areas, in other words, admin assistants.

This way the direction of development would not be controlled by any 
corp but still by the whims of the coders and the squeaky wheel method
of internet democracy.

Other than that, I sent a long letter to Chip of the perl group, 
suggesting that a perl credit union, and perl legal agency, and group 
insurance and ....

You get the picture but Chip did not.

BTW I got flamed for asking a statistical question in this group,
so watch out!!

John van V. aka johnvv at

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  -SIG- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 % Hotmail is now part of the Gates Empire. They feel that    %
 % they have merged with the source.  But since they will     %
 % never be Java enhanced, they will fall behind their        %
 % competition then they must be a siphon for the MS network. %
 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -SIG- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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