[R] Compiling R-0.63.? on DEC Alpha UNIX 4.0

Dr X Cai caix at isdugp.bham.ac.uk
Wed Mar 10 15:07:44 CET 1999

I tried to compile R-0.63.1 to R-0.63.3 on my DEC Alpha with the
operating system of UNIX 4.0.  All have the same problem after
R.binary has been successfully compiled.  The last few lines of the
message are shown as below:

make[4]: Entering directory `/home/ming/R-0.63.3/src/library/modreg/src'
f77   -c bsplvd.f -o bsplvd.o
f77   -c bvalue.f -o bvalue.o
f77   -c bvalus.f -o bvalus.o
f77   -c dpbfa.f -o dpbfa.o
f77   -c dpbsl.f -o dpbsl.o
cc -ieee_with_inexact -g  -I../../../../include -c ksmooth.c -o ksmooth.o
cc -ieee_with_inexact -g  -I../../../../include -c loessc.c -o loessc.o
f77   -c loessf.f -o loessf.o
f77   -c ppr.f -o ppr.o
f77   -c qsbart.f -o qsbart.o
f77   -c sbart.f -o sbart.o
fort: Info: sbart.f, line 164: No path to this statement
23012 continue
f77   -c sgram.f -o sgram.o
f77   -c sinerp.f -o sinerp.o
f77   -c sslvrg.f -o sslvrg.o
f77   -c stxwx.f -o stxwx.o
../../../../bin/R SHLIB -o modreg.so bsplvd.o bvalue.o bvalus.o dpbfa.o dpbsl.o ksmooth.o loessc.o loessf.o ppr.o qsbart.o sbart.o sgram.o sinerp.o sslvrg.o stxwx.o
Make: Unknown flag argument w.  Stop.
make[4]: *** [modreg.so] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/ming/R-0.63.3/src/library/modreg/src'
make[3]: *** [all] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ming/R-0.63.3/src/library/modreg'
make[2]: *** [R] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ming/R-0.63.3/src/library'
make[1]: *** [R] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ming/R-0.63.3/src'
make: *** [R] Error 1

Any clue?



                                     Xiaoming Cai
                                     School of Geography
      .&______~*@*~______&.          University of Birmingham
    "w/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\w"        Edgbaston, Birmingham
      `Y""Y""Y"""""Y""Y""Y'          B15 2TT United Kingdom
   p-p_|__|__|_____|__|__|_q-q       Tel: 44 (121) 414-5533 (O)
_-[EEEEM==M==MM===MM==M==MEEEE]-_    Fax: 44 (121) 414-5528
                                     Email: x.cai at bham.ac.uk
 which will be directed to the alternative: caix at isdugp.bham.ac.uk
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