[R] To Japanese R Users -- "Notes on R"

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.ethz.ch
Mon Mar 29 09:27:50 CEST 1999

Dear Yamamoto and other R users,

>>>>> "tettiri" ==  Yamamoto Kazuhiko <tettiri at gin.or.jp> writes:

    tettiri> Dear Japanese R users, Now, we are translating R documents
    tettiri> including "Notes on R", FAQ and help page s into Japanese. You
    tettiri> can see the present situation on
    tettiri> http://www.gin.or.jp/users/tettiri/R/rindex.htm .

    tettiri>  I want to know how many japanese people use R. If you can
    tettiri> help us and if not, please mail to tettiri at gin.or.jp

    >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    >> Yamamoto Kazuhiko            *******   E-mail: tettiri at gin.or.jp    *
    >>             **  URL: http://www.gin.or.jp/users/tettiri/index.htm   *


I cannot help you with translation,
but want to thank you in advance for your efforts!

Note that the current version of "Notes on R" (available from CRAN)
is really outdated. 
I have been adding some corrections and Fritz Leisch and others from 
TU Wien will do some more in the next few days.
The resulting "Notes" will still be a long way from both complete and
100% correct, but still quite a bit better than currently.

Plans exist to write "R Tutorial(s)" from scratch, eventually replacing 
the "Notes".

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/

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