[R] xgobi

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue Apr 18 09:03:48 CEST 2000

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian O'Gorman <brian at trichodon.afsc.noaa.gov> writes:

    Brian> I can't ssem to get the the examples running. Can anyone offer a
    Brian> solution?
    Brian> Thanks in advance, and this what happens.

    >> data(laser)
    >> xgobi(laser)
    Brian> xgobi -title 'laser' -std mmx /tmp/xgobi-laserR7316S41c6 & 
    >> Neither the file /tmp/xgobi-laserR7316S41c6 nor /tmp/xgobi-laserR7316S41c6.dat exists

This is due to too slow startup of xgobi on some platforms
and has been reported (to me, as package maintainer by others).

The very latest (yesterday) version of R's xgobi package now ends in

      s <- system(command, FALSE)

      ## Now wait a bit before unlinking all the files via  on.exit(.) :
      system("sleep 3")
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