[R] Partial table.

Kenneth Cabrera krcabrer at epm.net.co
Wed Dec 20 04:36:34 CET 2000

Hi R users:

Thank you very much for you help, you are very kind.

I am again asking for your help to make a function that returns the
numbers of elements of each category given in another vector.

I mean, I have a vector "x" with several elements (most of them
more that once) and other vector "y" with the elements that I want
to count in the first vector (is not a exhaustive "table or tabulate"
And I want to obtain a data frame with one variable with the elements
in "y" and other with its corresponding frequencies.

One more question: How can I deal with an unit and an empty vector in a
function that eliminates an element from a it, given the original vector
and the index of the
element to be eliminated?

Thank you very much for your help

Kenneth Cabrera
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Sede Medellín
krcabrer at perseus.unalmed.edu.co
krcabrer at epm.net.co

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