[R] Dll problem

Yves Gauvreau cyg at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 27 06:40:32 CET 2000


Where should I look to find out the reason why my Fortran DLL's don't work
any more?

*** This is the current version ***
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch     x86
os       Win32
system   x86, Win32
major    1
minor    2.0
year     2000
month    12
day      15
language R

*** This was the previous version ***
platform Windows
arch     x86
os       Win32
system   x86, Win32
major    1
minor    1.1
year     2000
month    August
day      15
language R

The problem seem to be with the result I get back from the function call
which is not what it use to be. I search a bit for obvious change in
R-ext.pdf to no avail.

Thank in advance.

Yves Gauvreau

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