[R] Setting up ESS 5.0

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sun May 14 22:15:59 CEST 2000

  John> Thanks for your quick reply! I have d/l'ed 5.1.13 and have had
  John> exactly the same behaviour, except that now I can't even set the
  John> start args.  Could someone tell me how to do this please (set start
  John> args so R doesn't terminate saying 'you need to specify --save,
  John> --nosave or --vanilla')?

Debian uses startup files for the additional Emacs packages which all the
different emacs variants source from /etc/emacs/site-start.d/. However, the
one for ESS contains only the path setting to get ESS itself from a directory
site-lisp/ess, followed by  (load "ess-site")  So maybe I should send you my
ess-site in private mail?  

  John> Thanks also to Dirk (expecially for the spelling tip, how
  John> embarrasing...)

My pleasure, and sincere apologies for the atrociously typed/spelled mail of
mine earlier.  Sunday morning hurries with the family...


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