No subject

niels Waller niels.waller at
Sat Oct 14 20:31:09 CEST 2000

Dear colleagues,

I suspect there is a simple answer to this question -- but I cannot find it.

Suppose I have a list of matrices.  I want to pull out an element (such as
row 1, col 2) from each matrix.  Do I need a loop to do this? Or is there an
easy way to index this?

Let Z denote the list of matrices.  All matrices have the same order.  I
want something like
  Z[[.]][1,2]     (which of course will not work, but you get the idea)

Thanks for any and all tips,

Niels Waller
Professor of Quantitative Methods and Evaluation
Department of Psychology and Human Development
Vanderbilt University

niels.waller at

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