[R] annoucement of workshop

Hemant Bokil bokil at physics.bell-labs.com
Fri Apr 6 23:58:22 CEST 2001

Hi Folks, 
Here is the announcement of WAND2001  (Workshop for the Analysis
of Neural Data). Applications should be sent to the address 
listed in the announcements. However, please feel free to contact
me for more details, and please circulate the announcement to 
your friends and colleagues.
Cheers, Hemant Bokil
bokil at physics.bell-labs.com



Modern methods and open issues in the analysis and interpretation of
multivariate time series and imaging data in the neurosciences

August 20 -- September 1, 2001
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woodhole, MA

A working group of scientists committed to quantitative approaches to
problems in neuroscience will meet again this summer to focus on 
theoretical and experimental issues related to the analysis of single 
and multichannel data sets.

As in past years, we expect that a distinguishing feature of the work group 
will be a close collaboration between experimentalists and theorists 
with regard to the analysis of data. There will be a limited number of 
research lectures, supplemented by tutorials on relevant computational, 
experimental, and mathematical techniques.

The topics covered will include the analysis of point process data 
(spike trains) as well as continuous processes (LFP, imaging data).  It 
has become clear in recent years that issues relating to the "neural code" 
can be concretely investigated in the context of neural prosthetic devices. 
We are therefore planning two miniworkshops,

(i)    Neuronal control signals for prosthetic devices.
(ii)   Timing issues: departures of spike trains from rate varying Poisson

We will also have a third miniworkshop on

(iii)  Statistical inference for fMRI time series

We should be able to accomodate about twenty five participants, both
experimentalists and theorists and encourage graduate students, 
postdoctoral fellows, as well as senior researchers to apply.  
Experimentalists are encouraged to bring data records; appropriate 
computational facilities will be provided.


Participants will be provided with shared accomodations and board.
Support: National Institutes of Health -- NIMH, NIA, NIAAA, NICHD/NCRR, 

Organizers: Partha P. Mitra (Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies),
Emery Brown (Massachusettes General Hospital) and David Kleinfeld

Website: www.vis.caltech.edu/~WAND

Application: Send a copy of your c.v. together with a cover letter
that contains a brief (ca. 200 word) paragraph on why you wish to
attend the work group to:

Ms. Jean B. Ainge
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
700 Mountain Avenue 1D-427
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
908-582-4702 (fax) or <jba at bell-labs.com>

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to
include a brief letter of support from their research advisor.

Applications must be received before  25 May 2001

Participants will be confirmed on or before 1 June 2001

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