[R] Install Packages

Hongli Li hli at anvilinformatics.com
Thu Apr 12 18:11:29 CEST 2001

I am trying to install "Rstrams" package, I have download the Rstreams_1.1-2.tar.gz in my computer and I tried the following 
1. install.packages("Rstreams",lib=.lib.loc,"c:/R/package/Rstreams_1.1-2.tar.gz" )
 I got 
      'lynx' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
       operable program or batch file.
       Error in httpclient(url, check.MIME.type = TRUE, file = destfile) : 
               Not an http:// URL
       In addition: Warning messages: 
       1: wget not found 
       2: cmd execution failed with error code 1 in: shell("lynx -help", invisible = TRUE) 

2.install.packages("Rstreams", .lib.loc, CRAN = getOption("CRAN"), method = "auto", available =  NULL,.lib.loc)

   I got 
     'lynx' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
      operable program or batch file. 
      Error in httpclient(url, check.MIME.type = TRUE, file = destfile) : 
            Not an http:// URL
     In addition: Warning messages: 
     1: wget not found 
     2: cmd execution failed with error code 1 in: shell("lynx -help", invisible = TRUE) 

it seems no matter what I use, I always get the same error  message

What should I do?


Hongli Li

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