[R] Histograms per coding variable - labelling the plots

Smit, A, Albertus, Dr ajsmit at botzoo.uct.ac.za
Thu Dec 6 16:22:16 CET 2001

Dear all

Thank you to all who replied to the question regarding plotting 
histograms for a series of coding variables.  The tapply() function 
seems to work well, and so does the lattice package.

Kaspar Pflugshaupt also pointed out the following: 

> With some tricks, you can even have a title with the respective label over
> each plot... but I forgot how I did this.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thank you again,
Dr Albertus J. Smit
Department of Botany
University of Cape Town
PO Box Rondebosch
Tel. 689 3032
Fax. 650 4041

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