[R] Graphical parameters in perspective plot

isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani isabelle.zabalza-mezghani at ifp.fr
Thu Feb 22 09:37:08 CET 2001


I've a problem for setting graphical parameters in perspective plot
(function persp).
I wonder if it's possible to add some text (function text) on an
existing persp plot USING the axis coordinates.
In fact I want to add some text on a persp plot according to x
I've tried to use text(xcoord,ycoord, label="toto") but the toto text
doesn't appear at (xcoord, ycoord) following the xy axis.
Maybe function text is not accurate for 3D plots ?

By the way, is it possible to modify the ticks length (separately for
each axis) since the arguments tcl and tck seem to be non efficient, and
to modify the box draw type to have a dotted box instead of a lined box
(the argument bty is non efficient).

Thanks in advance


Isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani          Tel : 01 47 52 61 99
Institut Français du Pétrole       E-mail : isabelle.zabalza-mezghani at ifp.fr
1-4 Av. Bois Preau - Bat Lauriers
92852 Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France

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