[R] Holt-Winters code / time series

Francisco Cribari cribari at de.ufpe.br
Mon Feb 26 11:01:44 CET 2001

There is R code for Holt-Winters exponential smoothing in 

Janacek, Gareth (2000). Practical Time Series. London: Arnould 

See also 


It would be nice if the ts library could include this code
(this way, it would be packaged with the other time series 
functions in ts). 

Best regards, Francisco. 

   _                                                         _  
  (o-               Francisco Cribari-Neto                  -o)
  //\  Dept. de Estatistica, Univ. Federal de Pernambuco    /\\  
/      Phone: (+55-81) 3271-8420  Fax: (+55-81) 3271-8422       \
:      Email: cribari at de.ufpe.br  Web: www.de.ufpe.br/~cribari  :
:                                                               : 
:      Linux: more Unix than Unix.        http://www.linux.org  :

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