[R] Re: Introduction to R (S) [in German]

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Mar 2 18:03:07 CET 2001

>>>>> "GS" == G Sawitzki <gs at statlab.uni-heidelberg.de> writes:

    GS> Couse notes for a short introduction to the S language have been
    GS> posted as <http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/R/doc/contrib/s.pdf;I>

    GS> This is material for a 4-5 days course, assuming some background in 
    GS> statistics (German style).

    GS> As a matter of fact it is a Trojan horse, claiming it is teaching the 
    GS> S language, but under the shelf it is trying to convey some ideas 
    GS> about statistics.

R users who are not reading carefully might be told in advance 
that G.S. uses  "GNU S"  whenever others woud say "R" ..

    GS> For those of you who are going to Vienna it is a chance to train
    GS> your German.

But then, the Viennese (like we Swiss) have their own version of
German which you have to learn additionally ...  (;-) 

    GS> Comments and corrections are welcome (please mail to me directly).
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