"Concours R icon" {was Re: [R] R.xpm?}

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Thu Mar 8 16:54:05 CET 2001

>>>>> "Hedderik" == Hedderik van Rijn <rijn at swi.psy.uva.nl> writes:

    Hedderik> I updated the icon list, added the:

    >> A pure `R' version is in the R sources as a Windows icon.

    Hedderik> windows icon and

    >> ones, but one can have fewer such icons.  If I want icons at all, I want lots
    >> of small ones.

    Hedderik> some smaller icons (Bill, your icon didn't scale too well,
    Hedderik> that's why it's not online).

    Hedderik> See http://swipc30.swi.psy.uva.nl/~rijn/R

Thank you, Hedderik, this is nice.

The real challenge to all of you:

  Write an R function 
	i.  as short and beautiful as possible (short, but not obfuscated)
	ii. not using external data
  which draws a plot [I imagine  image(), but you are free]
  whose EPS or PDF file can be converted (e.g. by ImageMagick's "convert")
  to such icons.

The price for the winners could be an article in "R news",
or something even better. 
It would be fun for a jury at DSC 2001 in Vienna
to vote for the winner (and 2nd and 3rd)...

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